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Blockchain Meeting

Blockchain Meeting 1920 1076 Marco Zanzarella

Blockchain Meeting The use of Blockchain in Electrical Systems @ Sapienza University of Rome Sala del Chiostro Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale San Pietro in Vincoli Via Eudossiana 18,…

Visit to “Centrale Montemartini” in Rome

Visit to “Centrale Montemartini” in Rome 1200 1200 Marco Zanzarella

Visit to Centrale Montemartini in Rome The EEEIA Association, in collaboration with the AEIT Rome Section, is organizing a visit to the Centrale Montemartini in Rome to discover the dawn…

Evening Visit to the Sistine Chapel

Evening Visit to the Sistine Chapel 1920 1920 Marco Zanzarella

Evening Visit to the Sistine Chapel Introduced by the designer of the new lighting systems Friday October 19TH 2018 POWERED BY EVENT PROGRAM: 7.00 pm Meeting of the participants in…