The International Association
on Electrical and Environment Engineering – APS


EEEIA was formed on 15 September 2016 with the name:
“International Association on Environment and Electrical Engineering”.

EEEIA wants to be a leading international cultural organization in the electrical and environment engineering, computer and telecommunication sciences and related fields. The activities of the Society members cover all aspects of the profession and research in aim to promote the cultural level of the engineers who work on all the fields that move around the hot topic of energy and, more in general, electrical and environment engineering.


The main goals are to promote and support:
• Research, science and technology developments in the fields of electrical, electronic and environment engineering and, more in general, every field around the hot topic of energy;
• Diffusion of culture through the organization of symposiums, congresses and cultural meetings and events;
• Application development in related fields with focus on future trends;
• Support professional development;
EEEIA wants also to address technical training towards employment proposals and expectations in the industrial segments of interest of EEEIA.
EEEIA ambition is to contribute to:
• increase levels of innovation and quality in the sector of interest for the benefit of the National Community;
• raise awareness of the Institutions in the sectors of interest of EEEIA, thereby increasing Institution decision effectiveness.


EEEIA cooperates with international professional organizations and conducts a wealth of activities associated with the profession, its tradition and its values.
The Society’s main event is its annual convention EEEIC ( – that sets a professional stage for presenting and discussing innovations, successful enterprises and practices, new developments, technical updates and creative solutions – and deals with a wide range of issues in the field of electrical engineering, energy, communications and control.