Blockchain Meeting
The use of Blockchain in Electrical Systems
@ Sapienza University of Rome
Sala del Chiostro
Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale
San Pietro in Vincoli
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma
January 31ST 2020

2.30 pm Participant registration
2.45 pm Greetings and opening of the proceedings
Carla Cappiello President of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome
Antonio D’Andrea Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome.
Guerino Caruccio Electrical Systems Commission of the Order of Engineers
Giuseppe Parise President of the AEIT Rome Section
Coordinates the work
Luigi Martirano Sapienza University of Rome
3.00 pm Use of blockchain in electrical networks
(Rodolfo Araneo Sapienza University of Rome)
3.20 pm Introduction to blockchain, the technology of innovation
(Laura Cappello President of the Legal & Governance Board Quadrans Found., Blockchain Core)
3.40 pm Projects on the use of blockchain in electricity distribution systems
(Eleonora Riva Sanseverino & Gaetano Zizzo University of Palermo)
4.10 pm Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) & Energy
(Alvise Baggio & Francesco Grimaccia Politecnico di Milano)
Coffee Break
5.00 pm Technical aspects of blockchain
(Raffaello Del Re CEO di Softesolution Srl)
5.20 pmThe open-source public blockchain: the experience of Quadrans Foundation
(Marco Vitale Presidente e CEO di Quadrans)
5.40 pm Blockchain and BIM modeling
(Andrea Aiello CEO Alma Srl)
6.30 pm Debate and conclusions